A Family Dentist Shares How to Save a Tooth That Gets Knocked Out

family dentist Los Angeles, CA

According to one family dentist, just because someone loses a tooth does not mean there is no way to save it. In fact, if you lose one, you have several options. Whether knocked out in a car accident, while playing sports or due to tooth decay, do not despair. Start by looking at the tips provided and talking to your dentist.

Unfortunate things happen

Although having a tooth fall out is heartbreaking, it is not the end of the world. In fact, by following a few simple steps, there is a good chance of saving it. The last thing a person wants to do is randomly pick it up. Instead, the tooth has to be handled correctly. That alone will make a big difference in achieving success.

Handle with care

After losing a tooth, some people grab it quickly, placing it in a pocket or purse. That is not the correct way to handle it. Instead, the individual needs to gently pick it up by the crown, not the roots. The goal is to avoid touching the roots to prevent further damage. With that done, the individual can move on to the next step.

Rinsing the tooth

After picking up the tooth, an individual should rinse it. In this case, they would place a soft towel in the basin of the sink. That offers protection just in case the tooth drops. Rather than brushing or scrubbing it, a careful rinse is the only thing required. Instead of water, whole milk, saliva or a saline solution works great. For the latter, the only thing needed is a cup of water mixed with one-quarter teaspoon of salt.

A family dentist suggests putting the tooth back in its socket

After rinsing the tooth, the individual can try to set the tooth back in its socket. It should fit securely in place. To help, the dentist recommends gently biting down or pressing on the tooth with a piece of gauze. The purpose is to make it more secure. Often, this works quite well. However, if the tooth fails to fit properly, the person needs to move on to the next step.

Soaking the tooth

The individual needs to partially fill a zippered plastic bag with whole milk, a saline solution or saliva. Next, the tooth goes inside. It is important for people to remember this is only a temporary fix. Therefore, they need to contact a family dentist right away. By visiting a dental office quickly, there is a chance the dental professional can save the tooth.


Every family dentist shares the same goal — to save a patient’s permanent teeth. However, even with great effort, that is not always possible. In those instances, the dentist can suggest several remedies. Sometimes, the solution is to simply leave the patient without a tooth. Other times, it involves a bridge or a dental implant.

Seeing a dentist

Even when putting the tooth back in its socket, the individual needs to see a dentist quickly. As long as there is no severe damage to the root, there is a chance of saving it. The last thing someone wants to do is to do nothing. With so many advances, dental professionals can accomplish all kinds of things.

Lose a tooth?

There is no question that no one wants to have a tooth fall out. Especially when the family dentist is out of the office. Fortunately, most dental professionals are on call. That means aid is available virtually at any time. If you had a mishap, take action as soon as possible. It could make the difference in saving your tooth.

Request an appointment here: https://www.beverlyhillsfamilydentalgroup.com or call Beverly Hills Prestige Dental Group at (310) 286-9655 for an appointment in our Los Angeles office.

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