How a Family Dentist Restores Damaged or Missing Teeth

Family Dentist Los Angeles, CA

A family dentist can rebuild your smile. Dental damage and tooth loss can result from severe decay or trauma. Restoring the affected tooth is important for one’s dental and general health. Here are the details on how a family dentist can bring back your damaged or missing teeth.

The basics of restorative dentistry

This field of dentistry concentrates on replacing or repairing affected teeth. The goal of the family dentist is to improve one’s chewing and speaking functions. Bringing back the individual’s smile is also part of the plan. Qualified patients must have broken or damaged teeth, as well as severe cavities. People with missing teeth can also go through dental restoration.

How the family dentist restores teeth

A thorough assessment of the patient’s mouth will happen first. This will enable the dentist to identify the problem teeth. From there, deciding which treatment to provide will follow. The following are the different ways a family dentist restores teeth.


Dentures are traditional solutions to missing teeth. A full denture can replace a whole denture arch. A partial denture can replace many missing teeth in various sections of the dental arch. These restorations rest on the gumline, and the jawbone helps steady them. Implant-supported dentures are more stable than traditional dentures. These restorations use dental implants to support the overdentures.

Dental fillings

Dental fillings can repair the teeth with mild to moderate cavities. The family dentist will remove the decayed sections first. Filling the holes with a tooth-colored material can restore the appearance of the affected teeth. It can also prevent the cavities from worsening.

Onlays and inlays

Onlays and inlays are for teeth with large cavities that do not need dental crowns yet. These restorations will fit the teeth like missing puzzle pieces. The family dentist will bond the custom onlays or inlays to the affected teeth. Each one can fill cusps or sections between the cusps of the teeth.

Dental crowns

Dental crowns cover the entire tooth. These custom restorations can repair teeth with severe decay or damage that fillings cannot handle anymore. The dentist must grind down a significant portion of the dental structure. Doing so will give enough space for the dental crown.

Root canal

Root canal therapy is necessary when there is a damaged or infected pulp. The dental damage can invite bacteria and infect the pulp. This often results in pain and swelling. The family dentist must clean out and disinfect the pulp chamber. Filling it with gutta-percha will follow. Placing a dental crown over the treated tooth will strengthen and keep the tooth together.

Dental implant

A dental implant can replace an entire missing dental structure. The titanium rods will act as dental roots that anchor to and stimulate the jawbone. An artificial crown will complete the dental arch above the gumline. Proper fusion and healing will allow the patient to have a stronger bite and a more youthful-looking smile.

Dental bridge

A dental bridge can replace a tooth or two to three consecutive teeth. Dental crowns support the pontics on both sides of the dental gap. The teeth on both sides of the gap are natural. The family dentist must grind them down so that the crowns can fit over them. Cementing the crowns will give the bridge a strong foundation.

A family dentist can provide the right solution to damaged or missing teeth

Dental damage and tooth loss are common dental issues. Seeing your dentist to correct them can provide you with the solution that will suit your dental needs the most. Discussing your options can help you make informed decisions regarding your treatment. Working with your family dentist can help your restorations last for years.

Request an appointment here: or call Beverly Hills Prestige Dental Group at (310) 286-9655 for an appointment in our Los Angeles office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Family Dentist in Los Angeles, CA.

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